- automated radar terminal system
- автоматическая аэродромная радиолокационная система
Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.
automated radar terminal system — Computer aided radar display subsystem capable of associating alphanumeric data with radar returns. The system displays information to the terminal controller, including aircraft identification, flight plan data, and other flight associated… … Aviation dictionary
center radar ARTS (automated radar terminal system) presentation/processing — A computer program developed to provide a backup system for airport surveillance radar in the event of a failure or malfunction.. The program uses air route traffic control center radar for the processing and presentation of data on the ARTS IIA… … Aviation dictionary
micro–en route automated radar tracking system — An automated radar and radar beacon tracking system capable of employing both short range (airport surveillance radar) and long range (air route surveillance radar)) radars. This microcomputer driven system provides improved tracking, continuous… … Aviation dictionary
en route automated radar tracking system — An automated radar and radar beacon tracking system using both short and long range radars and a fully digital display. See also automated radar terminal system … Aviation dictionary
automated terminal tracking system — An automated tracking system used to identify the numerous automated radar terminal tracking systems (ARTTS), including ARTS (automated radar terminal system) IIA, ARTS IIE, ARTS IIIE, STARS, M EARTS … Aviation dictionary
Airport surveillance radar — An airport surveillance radar (ASR) is a radar system used at airports to detect and display the position of aircraft in the terminal area.Digital Airport Surveillance RadarThe Digital Airport Surveillance Radar (DASR) is a new terminal air… … Wikipedia
Operational display system — Operational Display Systems refers to systems used for tracking the status of multiple objects in avionics. Operational Displays Systems are usually being developed by large countries civil aviation authorities (such as the Federal Aviation… … Wikipedia
Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System — The Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS) is an air traffic control automation system currently being used in many busier TRACONs around the United States. STARS is intended to replace the Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS)… … Wikipedia
Terminal Control Center — A Terminal Radar Approach Control (or FAA TRACON in the United States) is an Air Traffic Control facility usually located within the vicinity of a large airport. Typically, the TRACON controls aircraft within a 30 50 nautical mile (56 to 93 km)… … Wikipedia
Automated Guided Vehicle — Ein Fahrerloses Transportfahrzeug (Abk. FTF, englisch Automated Guided Vehicle AGV) ist ein flurgebundenes Fördermittel mit eigenem Fahrantrieb, das automatisch gesteuert und berührungslos geführt wird. Fahrerlose Transportfahrzeuge dienen dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ARTS — Automated Radar Terminal System (Governmental » Transportation) * Artscene Radio Talk Show (Community » Media) * Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (Governmental » Transportation) * Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator (Academic & Science… … Abbreviations dictionary